  To the Charter of the Asian CNS.



1. Invitation for the submissions of bids for the 8th Asian CNS
 The executive board, in view of the schedule of the forthcoming Asian CNS meetings, would like to invite all interested parties, undertaking responsibility at a national level, to submit their bids for the 8th Asian CNS, due to be held in 2010.
All official bids intended, have to be submitted in the form of an application letter, signed by the leader of the team and expected future president of the 8th Asian CNS.
The letter should be accompanied by the filled preliminary questionnaire, that is also posted on the Asian CNS website, preferably not later than December 31st, 2006. All participating parties will be contacted and advised on the further process leading to the vote on November 18, 2007, during the Executive Board Meeting of the AsianCNS.

Please, provide the letters and questionnaires for filing your bid to the secretariat of the Asian CNS, mailing them to the Secretariat of the Asian CNS
Department of Neurosurgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine,
1-98 Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake, Toyoake-shi, Aichi, 470-1192,
at the attention of Kostadin L. Karagiozov, MD,PhD



2.By-Laws CNS
  To the Charter of the Asian CNS.

 In relation to article 3 and 9, presented by the Board, and after the decision of the Executive Committee, voted with majority on the meeting (date), has been decided to establish a bi-annual membership fee of 20 (twenty) US dollars for all Active Members to the Asian CNS. The fees have to be collected by the Treasurer or authorized by him persons at the meetings of the Asian CNS. In the interim period of two meetings, all new or existing members can settle their payment either directly, or through a representative of the corresponding national neurosurgical society, who will be in contact with the Treasurer and the Executive Board at the Secretariat of the ACNS.
The Candidate Members are not required to pay membership fees until being promoted to Active Membership.


3. Letter from the Editor
 For the last few months our organization had many achievements, but there was one great loss: Prof. I.A.Raja passed away in a tragic plain accident. Prof. Raja was a founding leader and innovator, a man of full dedication to Asian CNS. His life will be an inspiring example for the generations of neurosurgeons to come.
At these times we have to think also about our future. The 8th Asian CNS will be held in 2008 and several countries have expressed their intentions to host the meeting. The website is trying to assist this process, and now carries an official invitation for the submission of bids. As all previous Asian CNS meeting, the 8th will be the next higher achievement towards better education for young asian neurosurgeons and better care for their patients.
And finally there are some issues of membership that are in need for further discussion. As a results of the WFNS membership, it is already inevitable the need to collect membership fees. Our charter (posted on the web), has kept this point open. Without contradiction to its contents and spirit, by-laws are propsed. They are trying to arrange the further details related to the membership fee. The details are intending the provision of the minimum necessary funds for the existence of the organization, producing minimum financial burden, especially to the youngest part of our membership (below age of 35).We hope that consensus on this issue will be achieved easily.
The Asian CNS is increasing its influence in Asian neurosurgery, and consequently in the Asian societies, and it is not without efforts of organizers and members. We hope for broader participation of the younger neurosurgical generation.

The Editor

4.Questionnaire for ACNS Conference
  1. Name of bidding organisation:

  2. Proposed Date:

  3. Hotel (and categories):

    Luxury: .............................. Room prices (USD): from US$
    Standard: .......................... Room prices (USD): from US$
    Economy: .......................... Room prices (USD): from US$

  4. Name and location of convention center:

  5. Will shuttle bus be available?

  6. Tourist bureau involved?

  7. Auspices of the government?

  8. Estimate of the conference registration fees:

    Members: .............................. (USD)       (early bird )
    Accompanying persons: .... (USD)       (early bird )
    Trainees/ Residents: ........... (USD)      (early bird )

  9. How many neurosurgeons are there in the host country?

Asian Conference of Neurological Surgeons